
Friday, November 9, 2012

Whirlwind Week

It's been a week full of disappointments. Full of heart-wrenching news. Full of terrible circumstance.

Many Jesus-loving followers are discouraged. Even the Wal-Mart cashier- a young man I don't even know by name- commented on his level of discouragement as a Believer.

  • We faced an election where many were hopeful for a season of new leadership- and we're let down. The emotions surrounding just that one part of life are charged and raging through many. I have read so many terrible things wishing ill to both candidates that break my heart. God has given us the freedom of choice- and He does let us have what we want!

  • This week we faced circumstance alongside our sisters/brothers in the Lord: loss of business opportunities, loss of life at the end of a long battle with cancer, loss of life due to a car accident... Devastion due to Hurricane Sandy. Christian marriages barely hanging by a thread. Moms at their witts-end because they lack support and encouragement. Women pregnant with child who are facing signifcant health issues and the fear of losing the baby all the while our country at large supports the wilfull murder of innocent, unborn chidlren. People battling sickness. Spirit-filled ministers facing evil circumstances and ministering to stubborn flocks. Children who have no parents and need a home- right in our own communities- that are overlooked and unwanted.

  • The "me, me, me" mentality haunting every corner of life constantly trying to win my attention as I battle with humility and pride to put myself aside day after day and clothe myself with Christ. 

  • And even closer to home, we face the possibility of quickly becoming a statistic in the Unemployment Rate as we received news my job- our main financial provision- is in jeopardy. It's nearly a matter of time until there is no more work to do.

I'll be honest- my gut reaction is not godly. Fear. Pain. Anger. Anxiety. Disgust. I am generally an even-keeled, level-headed, faith-filled woman. And in the admission of feeling those things, it's easy to become discouraged and even depressed. Why?

The reason is simple and ridiculous all at once- I thought.
I thought I could be strong.
                                          I thought my prayers were working.
I thought my encouragement toward others was enough.
I thought He would heal them...
I thought my faith was strong.
                                                                 I thought I was doing enough...
                                             I thought surely God would overcome my ideology of evil with good.
                                                             I thought...

But Scripture tells us that even as Believers our thoughts are evil (Jeremiah 17:9). There's not one thought in my mind that is truth, unless it comes directly from the heart of God in Scripture.

I have to replace these thoughts with TRUTH.
He holds the hearts of rulers in His hand. (Proverbs 21:1)
                                    He alone knows the heart of man (I Kings 8:38-39)
I am weak.  HE IS STRONG. (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)
                                                                  Pray without ceasing. (I Thessalonians 5:17)
The effective, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. (James 5:16)
         Encourage one another as long as it is called today. (Hebrews 3:13)
                                                               God creates and sustains life. (Psalm 139:13)
              For to live is Christ but to die is gain! (Philippians 1:21)
He hates divorce (Malachi 2:16); Divorce is an option only because of hardness of heart (Matthew 19:8) He has given us hearts of flesh, not hearts of stone!! (Ezekiel 36:26)
                                                     Some sheep are really goats (Matthew 25:31-46)

As a believer, my worldview is through a foggy mirror (I Corinthians 13:12). I think this or I think that. But what I need to THINK is what Jesus tells me to think. What He has revealed through Scripture or whispers to my heart in a still, small voice (in accordance with His Word, might I add!)

Yet, in the twists and turns, the uncertainty and change, there is one constant- Jesus.
He never leaves. He never forsakes. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
He's right here. Right now.
In the middle of my fear, He's here.
In the middle of my pan, He's here.
In the middle of my anxiety, He's here.
In the midst of my disgust or frustration, He is here.
He will not leave. I
 do not have to hide my heart or my emotions. I
 do not have to impress HIM.
I do not have to be downcast that I'm not "more faithful."

I can simply run into His arms and let Him see my tears. I can open my heart and let Him pour what I need into me. I can trust HIM. I can think on HIM.

So, it's been a week... But it's HIS week. This is the week HE HAS MADE. I will rejoice and be glad in it!! I will stand upon the Truth and upon His promises... All things will work together for my good because that's what HE said! (Romans 8:28)

Monday, September 3, 2012

More DIY

I keep "perfecting" Nursery Letters- these are truly my favorite gifts to give. It lends for a personalized touch to the nursery, allows me to unleash my creativity and are always loved. This time I used Spray Adhesive instead of Mod Podge and I'm very pleased with this result. I will continue to do it this way going forward! This letter "K" I made for my friend's newborn daughter, Kinley.

Hubby finally built me the shelves I've been desiring for our living room. They were very simple to make! He used 2-8' MDF Boards and made a small ledge on the front of them using Quarter Round. We primed/painted them white and they are the perfect ledges to display my black and white photography and other pieces of artwork. I am so pleased with the outcome since I was able to hang my iron Artwork "As for Me and My House."

Monday, April 16, 2012

Jehovah Jireh

In the Old Testament when God showed up and showed off, His servants would respond by building a monument to remember His Faithfulness.

We need more monuments in this day and age… It’s so, so easy to forget His Faithfulness. Emails, text messages, work, children, husband, church, fellowship, ministry… there are more distractions we deal with than ever before in history. Each distraction begs for our attention and always takes our eyes off the Lord.

But, I need some monuments to God’s Provision. 

As many of you know, Arthur got out of the Army in October and neither of us had secured employment. But every month, our bills got paid. Every month our bank account GREW. How? I really can’t fully explain that. It was supernatural.

Then, in the last month God gave me employment… not just one paying job, but TWO! And in a matter of weeks these are the things God did in our Finances. These are my monuments:
1.       After taking a finance class, God started telling us to eliminate debt. So, we decided to sell our vehicle that still had payments (our Jeep). God showed up. He honored us honoring Him. We sold that vehicle for more than we owed, so we had a surplus!
2.       THEN, God knew we’d need another vehicle because of the lifestyle we live as a family in ministry… So He provided an affordable option- nothing fancy, but something fuel efficient and in good shape. And we paid cash… less cash than the surplus we made! And of course, this cut down on our Car Insurance!
3.       God not only provided for our NEEDS, He’s given us our desires:
a.       I wanted a Trifle Bowl to make fancy desserts… God gave me a FREE one that someone had donated at a Swap event.
b.      I wanted new patio furniture, specifically a Settee.  Our neighbors gave us a beautiful 5 piece Settee for FREE because they bought new patio furnishings.
c.       Giana’s growing up and we wanted to get her a Daybed for her 3rd Birthday. It just so happens that our friend’s teenager outgrew her immaculate Daybed (“it’s too cutesy and girly”) and they’re giving it to us for FREE.
d.       My laptop is sucking… literally. My battery has a pathetic charge life. It runs slow. It’s just no bueno for working from home on my computer for hours a day. But our friend who happens to build computers as a hobby has an extra computer he built laying around “the Spirit told [him] to give us.” Awesome. Might I mention it is wicked fast and comes with a ginormous Flatscreen Monitor- ideal for my job!! God, you’re so awesome.
4.       God knows we desire to cut down and eliminate our bills. He showed us that we could pay for Walmart’s Cell Phone Service- Straight Talk- and use their SIM Card in any Smartphone. So, we got phones we liked/wanted and needed (for my work) and cut our cell phone service bill by $75!! We have BETTER reception and service than we had in a traditional contract. BETTER phones and a MUCH CHEAPER monthly bill.

“Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

Ask. God listens…to the petty things like Trifle Bowls to the big needs like Vehicles. He is SO VERY FAITHFUL if you just put your FAITH in HIM! HE WILL PROVIDE. He has. What Monuments should you build??


Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Love You Because...

I have the pleasure of being the Leader for a Mom's Group in my church called "Encouraging Mothers." We've been in the habit of trying to spend our time together doing something fun and productive at our meetings. I love the group of ladies and the children have so much fun playing together each time we meet.

Though this is a bit delayed, around Valentine's Day we did a simple project together. One of the MOST popular Pinterest Pins is the "I love you because" board. Well, that's what we made together. And, from that I've heard beautiful testimonies on how that simple project allowed woman to focus more on encouraging their husbands, which has benefited their marriage.

I made one of course for my Beloved... I personalized the look of it to match our bedroom decor. Here it is:

 I spent NO money on this project that made a beautiful Valentine's Day gift for my Hubby. I had all the supplies sitting around my garage- an old frame, Scrapbook Paper, Printer/Ink and a Paper Flower.

I'd love to see your version of the "I Love You Because" Board! Link below in the comment section.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Business Endeavor

I'm excited to announce that I'm now an Independent Consultant for Blessings Unlimited!

Blessings Unlimited offers a unique blend of ministry and business with exclusive home decor items and gifts created to encourage hearts, build relationships, and bring beauty and Truth into your heart and home.
Blessings Unlimited was founded in 2006 by DaySpring© Inc., the world's leading producer of Christian greeting cards and gifts. DaySpring is a subsidiary of Hallmark® Cards. For 40 years, DaySpring has partnered with Christian stores in local communities to offer meaningful products. Blessings Unlimited continues that tradition and extends the opportunity for your business and personal faith to coincide.
Th name "Blessings Unlimited" is based on this Scripture from John:
"From the fullness of His grace we have received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Please consider booking an in-home show or an online catalog show! Click here out the beautiful Scripture-based home products and gifts Blessings Unlimited has to offer! Hostesses can earn wonderful FREE products and get deep discounts on all merchandise!

Thanks for your support in this endeavor.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

More Baby Projects with Free Printable

True to Spring is the season of babies!! I have SO many friend expecting babies, and this year seems to be the year of the sweet GIRL. So, I wanted to show you some of my recent crafts for babies!

Baby Nursery Letters

You can buy these Nursery Letters online for $7-15 dollars PER LETTER. Or you can make them yourself for a fraction of the cost!

Individual Letters- $2 each
4 sheets of Scrapbooking Paper- $1.98
Spool of ribbon- 99 cents

Other Materials I had on hands (no cost):
Mod Podge
Craft Paint

Overall I paid approximately $12 for these beautiful nursery letters that will match my friend's baby nursery theme just perfectly.

Personalized Nursery Art

Another affordable craft that's unique and personalized!

8 x 10 Wood Plaque- $2
Paper Flower- $1
Other Materials used that I had on hand:
Paper and Printer (for the graphic Bible Verse I made)
Permanent Marker (for baby's name in calligraphy)
Craft Paint
Pearl Stickers
Mod Podge

Overall, I paid about $3 for this! I paid more on shipping this to my friend than I did on making it!

**FREEBIE: If you like the Bible Verse Graphic Printable, here it is.**


Sunday, March 11, 2012


I am so, SO tired of searching for employment. My story is like so many others... and I'm not trying to be selfish. I'm just trying to be transparent.

Many of you know that I graduated with my Masters degree in December 2009. I've been looking for a job in my field ever since. I've applied to at least 400 jobs... had about 12 interviews...6 second interviews. And no offers. I have recommendations galore, a shining resume, a stellar transcript. I have "connections" and have been the "shoe-in" several times. It doesn't matter.

I've struggled with feeling "less than," feeling rejection. And yet, in the back of my mind, I know GOD is in control. And I've been nothing short of grateful that throughout this time, I've had my heart's desire- to be a stay-at-home Momma to the BEST little girl in the world. I love it. I wouldn't trade it for a salary and benefits.

Yet, sometimes my mind reels... and I just get *stuck* wondering "What's the deal, God?! Don't you know that we're unemployed and uninsured??" And every time bills are due, there's always plenty to pay them. And every time the pantry is bare, it gets filled right back up again. God is absolutely faithful & true- Jehovah Jireh! Your mind would be blown if I gave you numbers... but to put it simply, we've had more money in our bank account being unemployed and frugal-minded than we ever had ever. Pretty impressive since Arthur left a well-paying career in the Army last Fall. But the point is- God is simply amazing.

But, even with all this truth I'm weak sometimes. I doubt. I get mad. I start feeling "entitled," "better than" that other person who got the job... "more qualified." You get the picture. And every time God teaches me the lesson of humility. Of deep faith. Of complete and total dependence on Him. He sends me encouragements along the way- kind words from friends and family, a verse that ministers to my soul, a worship song that let's me know He is working in my waiting!

And tonight... here's the words I read when I couldn't sleep... 12:20 a.m. and I open my eSword software to be quiet and alone with Him. Here it is:

One Step Closer to a Yes (Rylism)
"Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around." (Proverbs 13:12, The Message)

A friend in the promotion business says, "Every time someone tells me "NO!" I get happier — because I'm one step closer to that person who will say "YES!"

Some people cannot bear to be told "NO" even once; let alone repeatedly. And then there are others who stop just one person too soon. All they needed was to ask one more time. But they didn't. Disappointment can do that to you if you let it. Especially if it seems to be unrelenting — one blow after the next.

Years ago I discovered a splendid little poem that has anchored my life in those times when everything seems to be going wrong — times when your hopes are dashed, your dreams have faded, your deepest desires thwarted, and when so many great expectations become inexplicably disappointed. Maybe you will find it helpful, too.

"Disappointment. HIS appointment. Change one letter, then I see that the thwarting of my purpose is God's better choice for me!"

It is true, as the proverb says, that unrelenting disappointment can leave you heartsick. But the rest of the proverb is also true — "a sudden good break can turn life around." One doesn't come without the other.

Draw yet another breath, my fellow traveler; though you have paused alongside the road — you have not stopped. Your journey is not finished. There's a bend in the road up ahead. And the bend in the road is not the end of the road — unless you fail to make the turn.

Tip your hat respectfully to old man Disappointment, and then be on your way; for God has something better in mind for you. And though you have heard "NO" perhaps a thousand times — you are actually one step closer to a "YES!"

And that single "Yes" can turn your life around!

Thank you, Lord for Your plan for me... I'm waiting for the bend in the road!! My time WILL come in accordance with Your timing. <3


Friday, March 9, 2012


Last Spring I had the pleasure of being a pilgrim on Emmaus. It was such a beautiful experience and I love being part of the Tidewater Emmaus community! This year I have the priviledge to be a Sponsor for my sweet, dear friend Caniah. I've been in the Agape mood, and wanted to share some of my Agape ideas!

Well, you know I get Pinspired (that's Pinterest inspiration for those of you living in the Dark Ages :) ) so I saw someone made bookmarks out of paint chips. I took that one step further for Emmaus:

I punched holes in the Paint Chips, added ribbon and wrote in Calligraphy "De Colores" on each bookmark!

Secondly, I like to use cheap items to get across an encouraging message for Agape. I found a huge stack of "$1 Bills" at the Dollar Tree... I paid $1 for all these!

I stuck the pretty Blue Cross Stickers over Washington's face and wrote on the back of each bill: "You were bought with a PRICE." I Corinthians 7:23

Easy peasy. Hope this gives you some fresh ideas for Agape! DE COLORES!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Blessed is the King

"When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: 'Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!' 'Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!' Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, 'Teacher, rebuke your disciples!' 'I tell you,' he replied, 'if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.'” (Luke 19:37-40)

During this Lenten season, many people observe fasts and other various "spiritual disciplines" to get into the spirit of the Easter season. As a nondenominational Christ follower, most of my brothers and sisters in the Lord do not observe Lent. But, since my teen years I have been sensitive to the season. I think it's good and healthy to connect with Jesus over a 40-day period, whether that's through fasting or adding something beneficial to your relationship with Him. (Separately, there's lots of 40-day themes in Scripture... but that's a separate blog entry! :)

This Lenten season leads up to the most significant part of Jesus's life- His death, burial and Resurrection. But I think the bottom line is this: whatever you are giving up or adding to your relationship with him during Lent needs to be done in a worshipful attitude. 

Worship. What a controversial topic. We have hundreds of denominations in Christianity, and most of those congregations have "Traditional" services or "Contemporary" services. More American's "church-hop" to find the worship style that best suits their likes and musical repertoire.

But, that's not the point of worship. Worship is always, always, ALWAYS about pleasing the Lord and declaring Him as KING and LORD of our lives! The true Christ-follower will worship God in spirit (through the Holy Spirit) and in Truth (Jesus Christ and the Scriptures) John 4:24 lays this out: "God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." The authentic Christ-follower MUST worship to any musical styling, genre, hymn, praise or psalm. Why? Well, Jesus commands us to! Obedience is key to a worshipful lifestyle.

The point of worship is to praise, exalt, glorify, honor and please GOD. It's not about what I like. It's not about what you like. It's about what GOD likes.

In Luke 19, we read the account of Palm Sunday. Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem and humanity WORSHIPED Him- they exalted Him, praised Him, glorified Him! They shouted "Hosanna!" (hosanna means "save"). And Jesus responded as Savior to that worship just a few short days later, suffering a criminal's execution and bearing the sins of all humanity upon His perfect shoulders that we might have restored relationship with God. 

Luke's account of Palm Sunday is unique to the other recollections from the Gospels (Matthew 21, Mark 11 or John 12). Luke included the reaction of the religious people of that time... Luke said: "Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, 'Teacher, rebuke your disciples!' 'I tell you,' he replied, 'if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.'”

Jesus didn't rebuke his followers as the Pharisees asked. Nope. He rebuked the Pharisees instead. After all, the Pharisees prided themselves on being knowledgeable of the Scripture. Yet, they forgot the very beginning of their Torah... "In the beginning God created the heavens & the earth." Jesus being fully God and fully man had complete dominion over all creation: the earth, the animals and humankind. So, Jesus rebuked them by saying "If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out [instead]!"

God has revealed His glory through Creation. One does not have to go far to see awesome sights of God's handiwork: the ocean, the Grand Canyon, lush vegetation and beautiful creatures. Every part of the continent has God's beautiful signature on the bottom of the "frame."

Here's the funny thing: God doesn't need our worship, but He desires it. He created angels, earth and it's inhabitants before humanity- all capable of worshiping Him. Revelation says the heavenly hosts are constantly singing God's praises. Yet, His masterpieces are us- people. He deeply desires OUR worship... He deeply begs for relationship with us. That's the sole reason the Son of God came into the world and died. But it didn't end there... He gave us NEW life in His resurrection. He gave us the ability to please God with our worship. I want my worship to be louder than that of the stones. He DIED for me... not for the rocks! What about you? Don't you want to cry out, too?

A friend of mine posted this video on Facebook, and I think it's a beautiful demonstration of Nature crying out in worship to our Father... but be patient and wait until 10:32 into the clip. Add humanity and it's a undeniable, powerful demonstration on how ALL of creation will worship. 

Ain't gonna let no rock outpraise me!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

More Baby Canvases!

My sweet friend Julia and I spent Monday morning together shooting the breeze, relating about "mommyhood," sharing our hearts and crafting! It was so much fun! Julia saw my canvas project from last month that I did with my Mommy-to-Be friend, Jennifer, and wanted to do some of her own for baby shower gifts!

So here's our results! Again, we used 8x10 canvases, paint, scrapbook paper, Mod Podge and Permanent Markers to get the desired outcome.

Get inspired & craft!


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's Too Easy

We live in a culture where everything is easy. And the "easier" it gets, the more complicated it seems also. 

Most people in our culture cringe at "Jesus Freaks." They've been taught in higher education classrooms across the country that Christians are small-minded bigots. They've learned how "cultured" the world is and how rainbows and roses it is to promote "peace" and "multiculturalism."

But you don't have to look far to see the truth: brokenness. Broken marriages, split-up families, custody battles, lay-offs, unfair promotions, gangs, rapes, sex trafficking, drug addicts, depression, anxiety, suicide... It doesn't take long to figure-out that the rose-colored glasses our Professors tried to make us wear to see the world with more "political correctedness" are clearly the wrong prescription.

I've never seen multiculturalism or peace heal brokenness. Have you?

But I have seen a Healer... 

The world and American society has put Jesus in a box and shoved Him away on a shelf with "folk lore." But, I'm telling you what this world needs more of... Jesus. He is the only way to wholeness. 

Oh, but Jesus is old school. And God is a hateful disciplinarian. Too harsh for my standards...

But you see, back in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve sinned, God gave humanity clear-cut consequences:

1. First God CURSED Satan... He punished The Snake and put enmity between him and humanity. (Genesis 3:14-15)

Then God turned to humanity:

2. Woman, you will have to endure painful childbirth. You'll desire to rule over your husband, but there'll be tension in that relationship (Genesis 3:16)

2. Man, you will have to toil the ground that I cursed and have a sweaty brow hunting and finding food for your family. You will die and return to dust. (Genesis 3:17-19)

*Let me just point this out: God did not CURSE Woman and Man. He only gave a CURSE to the Serpent & to the ground. *

God loves us, and any good parent gives a consequence to their child for wrong behavior. Our consequence? God gave us hard work and labor to remember remember the perfect love He had for us before we went and messed it all up by believing a stinking Snake. Parents give consequences to rectify relationship and justify poor behavior. God's no different.

But, here's the thing... That sneaky Snake is still operating his trickery. He wants nothing more than to hide to shove Jesus in that neat little box up on a shelf to be forgotten and deemed "outdated." He enjoys brokenness. (John 10:10, I Peter 5:8) 

In fact, the Snake has perverted the very consequences God gave humanity in the Garden to restore relationship and rectify their wrong. That Snake has crept into our society, into the Church, into Christian homes in the form of "ease" and "deception."

You want some proof?
  • Remember the first consequence of the Fall of Man? God cursed the Snake and said there'd be enmity between snakes and humanity. 
  • PROOF: Go to ANY animal/science museum and enjoy the elaborate snake displays complete with a snake for you to hold, touch, etc. There's always a Curator talking about how snakes are friendly and they have a bad reputation but only harm insects. The rant goes on and on. And we've bought into it as a society. You can buy PET snakes, for crying out loud! We've become desensitized to the Snake.
  • Remember the second consequence? God gave Woman pain in child birth and the desire to want to rule over her husband.
  • PROOF: Child birthing has become much easier in modern ages, and the pain is virtually gone now with the use of medical technologies- drugs, epidurals, etc. Secondly, the Post Feminist culture we live in has told women that we are BETTER than men and can not only rule over them but excel in doing so. 
  • The last consequence... Man's toil and death. 
  • PROOF: The Industrial Revolution modernized farming and hunting. We don't have to grow our food anymore or hunt it. We simply go to the grocery store & buy manufactured food (full of chemicals and junk our bodies ought not ingest... but that's a separate blog entry). Oh and if you need it even easier than that then just spend money in the bajillion dollar restaurant industry: fast food, gourmet, All-American cuisine and everything in between.
  • And DEATH? Pssshhhhh. Death is for dumb religious people. Who cares if we turn to dust? We're all just evolved pond scum anyway. There's no point or purpose for life... Live it up! Do what makes you happy. There's no eternity. There's NO GOD!

You see? You see how that Snake is still deceiving? How that Snake has become the Ally to our modern culture? How that Snake is succeeding in holding back the FREEDOM... the DELIVERANCE... the PEACE of a real, true Savior!? 

Oh, Lord, I don't want easy anymore. Do you?


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Prayer Board

Giana's latest development has been prayer. She prays so sweetly and sincerely. Her meal time prayers go something like this: "Dear Jesus and God, Thank you for my food. Bless Daddy's food, Mommy's food, Duncan's food and GiGi's food. And Daddy's water, and Mommy's water and GiGi's water. Amen."

So, I want to teach her now at a young age the importance of prayer for others. I've been "pinning" some different ideas regarding a Prayer Board or Prayer Sticks to incorporate praying for others into our meal-time prayers. But nothing I found fit the bill quite right.

As any creative person would do, I blended several ideas into one and also upcycled all those Christmas Photo Cards we receive each Christmas season.

Here's my prayer board:

I don't have tutorial photos for each step, but I can give you the verbal break down:

1-18" x 24" Canvas
Paint (I used leftover accent wall color- Behr Premium Satin Finish in "Smokey Slate")
Paint Brush
1 sheet of Scrapbook Paper
1- 1/2" Bulldog Clip
1- 8x10 Frame
Hot Glue Gun
Transfer Paper
Computer Graphic printed on paper (I used James 5:16)
Permanent Marker (your choice of color)
Acrylic Paint (your choice of color)

1. Paint your canvas the desired color and allow to dry. (I let mine dry for 24 hours.)
2. Create your graphic for words if desired. I made mine in Microsoft Word. Print it on regular computer paper. (This is literally the most time-consuming part... especially if you're a font junkie like me!)
3. Place scrapbook paper inside frame. Remove glass front from the frame and replace backing. If the backing has a stand for table display, remove it. Then, Hot glue Bulldog Clip within frame. Hot glue entire frame onto canvas. Use hot glue liberally! :)
4. Cut out word graphics and arrange on canvas in desired pattern. (I obviously just split it up between two lines- top and bottom).
5. Place transfer paper underneath graphics and trace firmly using a pen. (I taped my graphics and transfer paper down to ensure they didn't move around while tracing.)
6. Fill in tracing with Permanent Marker &/or Paint.
7. Once paint/marker is dry, use an eraser to eliminate any of the marks the transfer paper may have left behind.
8. You can Mod Podge or seal the entire thing if desired, but I didn't
9. Hang and place a photo in the Bulldog Clip (the photo is our lovely cousin, Desarae!). We are using the photos our family/friends sent us at Christmas time. We pray for that particular person/family for a few days, then switch out for a new person/family. 

I'm pretty happy with the end product. Although, I may choose to frame out the entire canvas also! That'll be down the road, though.... mainly because I'm SO picky about what I like! 

Hope you make time in your family routine to pray for others! After all, we see the Apostle Paul reiterates 10 times in 6 verses (Colossians 1:9-15) how often he prayed for his fellow saints. Let's love our brothers and sisters in Christ through prayer!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ikea Updo

I can't believe I'm JUST getting around to this blog tutorial... If this is any indication of the busy-ness of my life, then I guess it's time to breathe for a moment!

Anyway... For my 29th birthday in October, I got to "get away" for a night with a few friends. We headed to Northern Virginia and decided to spend a day at Ikea!

I spent less than $50 and got a huge bag full of things! I love that store... And one of my finds were these $4 spice racks:

I've seen lots of "Pins" on Pinterest using these spice racks as book holders in a child's room. But, I wanted to add something special to them. Plus, light colored wood is not my thing!

I decided to decoupage the shelves with a wrapping paper in a black and white damask pattern (I found it at Michael's craft store) to match my daughter's bedroom.

First, I covered the long shelf. I left the back uncovered where the hanging hardware is located.

Then I used a pen and punctured holes where they were factory pre-drilled for assembly:

I did the same thing with the sides and front bar.

Then, I covered everything with a thick coat of Mod Podge to seal and protect the paper from tearing.

After they dried, my hubby hung them for our daughter to enjoy in her "big girl" toddler room!

I love the way they look and I also love the way they are hung at a height where my daughter can enjoy her books. :)

Hope this inspires YOU to do something more personalized with your inexpensive Ikea finds.


Thursday, February 16, 2012


Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

I've loved this verse for years. I've said it to myself a million times. I've used it as a handy "advice verse"- you know, the verse you rattle off to someone who's being a "worry wart" when you want to sound churchy.

I've always focused this verse on the message of "worrying"... I am not a worrier by nature. Strange, since I am a woman... Now before you go thinking I'm some super-spiritual person or some freak of nature let me say: I believe it's a gift the Lord has given me. I don't ponder long upon possibilities. I have a hard time envisioning the future- what my precious daughter will look like as a woman, or even as a 5 year old! I have a hard time dreaming of retirement with my dear Husband. Whatever it is, I've actually been kind of mad I can't be so futuristic minded. I rest assured knowing Who is the Author of my Future. And I simply leave it at that.

In the same regard, I've not been one to hold on to the past as a crutch, either. Sure, I've felt the long-term effects of trials, tribulations and emotional wounds. But I know in my heart God is healing those areas. I know my past brought me exactly where I am today. I am grateful I do not live a life where I'm engulfed in "should haves" or "what ifs." I'm truly appreciative of where I've been and how it's taught me valuable life lessons.

But, today-- that's the only other place to be. If I cannot focus on tomorrow or yesterday, all that's left is today. 

Live for today: a popular slogan. I even have a sign in my kitchen that boasts "One Day at a Time!" But, when I really dig deep and think, I do not live for today. 

  • Do you know that today is the only time ever that your husband will say those sweet words that particular way with that particular glimmer in his eye or that particular smirk on his face?
  • Do you know that today is the only time ever that your child will hug you that tight and say that particular silly little thing or want that ridiculous stuffed animal with her (or him) at all times?
  • Do you know that the most wasted of all days isn't the one without laughter, but the one where you take every single moment for granted?

I'm a planner. A type "A." The "To Do List" person. But when I focus on checking off the boxes- focusing on getting from point A to point B in the agenda- I am totally, completely, entirely missing point A! 

So, then the question has to be asked: If I'm not living in the past or the future nor am I living for today, then where am I? The answer is not what I wanted to hear. But The Still, Small Voice clued me in: Selfishness. I'm living in selfishness. Do you know how incredibly selfish I've been to think MY agenda is the only agenda? Do you know how incredibly selfish I've been putting off to tomorrow affection for my family... or fun... because I have "something to do." I get so caught up in being a "Martha" I forget entirely about "Mary." I get so caught up in doing and being who I think God wants me to be that I miss GOD'S AGENDA for TODAY.

So, TODAY... right now... this very moment... I resign from my selfishness. I desire selflessness. I desire GOD'S WAY for now. Right now. I will smell my daughter's hair when she gives me a quick hug. I'll squeeze her tighter knowing this moment is the only moment guaranteed. I will laugh at my husband's joke, even if it's the 1258th time I've heard it. I will stop being so caught-up in my "To Do's" of the day that I don't miss the "Who's." I will enjoy each moment, not because I fear that there may not be another, but because it's a gift. That is, after all, why we call today the PRESENT.


noun: this present day


Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine's Day

I have recently been obsessed with photos with Scripture on it. So, I messed around on Picnik and made a few of my own. Shout out to my friend Wendy at Wendy Moffit Photography who took these beautiful pictures of my beautiful daughter!

Happy Valentine's Day Weekend! :)

XO Jessica

Sunday, February 5, 2012


The first step to recovery is to admit there's a problem... Ok, so... ummmmmmm. I'm addicted to Pinterest. I waste time that I should be playing with my toddler, doing dishes, mopping the floors, and whatnot by "pinning" thousands (yeah, I'm that bad now) of Pins to my Boards. [Fellow addicts, check out my Pinterest boards!]

But, I actually can justify this addiction. I have actually used many, many ideas, tips and suggestions off Pinterest. And the recipes! Wow- so many tasty things I've gotten from Pins. And lastly, I've rediscovered my creativity: crafting, DIY and everything in between.

My dear friend Jennifer is pregnant with her first babe, a girl. And she picked out some adorable bedding called "Migi Blossom" (Google it!) and picked Pink and Brown for her theme.

So, we spent the afternoon together crafting additions to her Nursery... She found this on Pinterest for sale through Etsy:

But I knew we could easily make our own version! So, using canvas, paint, permanent markers, Mod Podge and Scrapbook paper this is what we did:

I think it came out just darling! We also crafted personalized letters for baby "Nora." I'm still working on the finishing touches, but I'll have to share that, too!

XO Jessica

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super Bowl... GO GIANTS

Though we live in Redskin country, we transplanted NYers are thrilled the Giants are in the Super Bowl this year! Hubby is enthralled... and even got a new 55" TV for the big game day. And of course, we're having a HUGE bash.

We are going to have a traditional New York Street Vendor Food menu... all the things you'd find on the streets of THE City. <3 {I really miss being closer to the City...)

So, here's the Game Day Menu:
*Sausage, Peppers and Onions on Rolls
*Nathan's Hot Dogs with Coney Sauce
*Pizza Fondue with Tortilla Chips
*Dill Pickle Dip with Potato Chips
*Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers
*Homemade Soft Pretzel Bites with Mustard
*Honey Roasted Peanuts
*Miniature NY-Style Chessecakes

And since I spent time on these, hopefully someone else in Cyber Space can use these as Place Cards or Food Tags:

Just right click and save!


Friday, February 3, 2012

WHO are you?

I find that most struggling Believers have one thing in common: they do not know WHO they are.

We taught a 6 month series on "Your Identity in Christ." A lot of our material came from an excellent book called Victory Over the Darkness (Neil T. Anderson). And this past weekend our youth Pastor ministered to the congregation with the same message: Identity. If we begin understanding who we are in Christ, it allows us to understand that intimacy we have with Father God. I just wanted to share the Scriptures for YOU.

This is who YOU are:

I am God's child (John 1:12)
I have been justified (Romans 5:1)
I belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:20)
I am a member of Christ's Body (1 Corinthians 12:27)
I am assured all things work together for good (Romans 8:28)
I have confidence that God will perfect the work He’s begun in me (Philippians 1:6)
I am hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3)
I have been given a spirit of power, love and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7)
I am holy and blameless (Ephesians 1:4)
I am adopted as his child (Ephesians 1:5)
I am in Him (Ephesians 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:30)
I have redemption (Ephesians 1:8)
I am forgiven (Ephesians 1:8; Colossians 1:14)
I have hope and purpose (Ephesians 1:9, 12)
I am the salt and the light of the earth (Matthew 5:13-14)
I am a minister of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17-20)
I am alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:5)
I am raised up and seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6)
I am God's workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)
I have been brought near to God through Christ's blood (Ephesians 2:13)
I have peace (Ephesians 2:14)
I am a dwelling for the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:22)
I can approach God with freedom and confidence (Ephesians 3:12)
I can bring glory to God (Ephesians 3:21)
I can be humble, gentle, patient and lovingly tolerant of others (Ephesians 4:2)
I can forgive others (Ephesians 4:32)
I can understand what God's will is (Ephesians 5:17)
I can give thanks for everything (Ephesians 5:20)
I can honor God through marriage (Ephesians 5:22-33)
I can parent my children with composure (Ephesians 6:4)
I am not alone (Hebrews 13:5)
I am not in want (Philippians 4:19)
I possess the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16)
I am promised a full life (John 10:10)
I am victorious (I John 5:4)
I am chosen and dearly loved (Colossians 3:12)
I am blameless (I Corinthians 1:8)
I am set free (Romans 8:2; John 8:32)
I am crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20)
I am a light in the world (Matthew 5:14)
I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37)
I am the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21)
I am healed from sin (I Peter 2:24)
I am no longer condemned (Romans 8:1, 2)
I am not helpless (Philippians 4:13)
I am an overcomer (I John 4:4)
I am protected (John 10:28)
I am a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)
I am victorious (1 Corinthians 15:57)

Want to take your relationship with Jesus Christ to the next level? Read these to yourself every day. Affirm WHO you are in Jesus. It'll change your life.