
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Prayer Board

Giana's latest development has been prayer. She prays so sweetly and sincerely. Her meal time prayers go something like this: "Dear Jesus and God, Thank you for my food. Bless Daddy's food, Mommy's food, Duncan's food and GiGi's food. And Daddy's water, and Mommy's water and GiGi's water. Amen."

So, I want to teach her now at a young age the importance of prayer for others. I've been "pinning" some different ideas regarding a Prayer Board or Prayer Sticks to incorporate praying for others into our meal-time prayers. But nothing I found fit the bill quite right.

As any creative person would do, I blended several ideas into one and also upcycled all those Christmas Photo Cards we receive each Christmas season.

Here's my prayer board:

I don't have tutorial photos for each step, but I can give you the verbal break down:

1-18" x 24" Canvas
Paint (I used leftover accent wall color- Behr Premium Satin Finish in "Smokey Slate")
Paint Brush
1 sheet of Scrapbook Paper
1- 1/2" Bulldog Clip
1- 8x10 Frame
Hot Glue Gun
Transfer Paper
Computer Graphic printed on paper (I used James 5:16)
Permanent Marker (your choice of color)
Acrylic Paint (your choice of color)

1. Paint your canvas the desired color and allow to dry. (I let mine dry for 24 hours.)
2. Create your graphic for words if desired. I made mine in Microsoft Word. Print it on regular computer paper. (This is literally the most time-consuming part... especially if you're a font junkie like me!)
3. Place scrapbook paper inside frame. Remove glass front from the frame and replace backing. If the backing has a stand for table display, remove it. Then, Hot glue Bulldog Clip within frame. Hot glue entire frame onto canvas. Use hot glue liberally! :)
4. Cut out word graphics and arrange on canvas in desired pattern. (I obviously just split it up between two lines- top and bottom).
5. Place transfer paper underneath graphics and trace firmly using a pen. (I taped my graphics and transfer paper down to ensure they didn't move around while tracing.)
6. Fill in tracing with Permanent Marker &/or Paint.
7. Once paint/marker is dry, use an eraser to eliminate any of the marks the transfer paper may have left behind.
8. You can Mod Podge or seal the entire thing if desired, but I didn't
9. Hang and place a photo in the Bulldog Clip (the photo is our lovely cousin, Desarae!). We are using the photos our family/friends sent us at Christmas time. We pray for that particular person/family for a few days, then switch out for a new person/family. 

I'm pretty happy with the end product. Although, I may choose to frame out the entire canvas also! That'll be down the road, though.... mainly because I'm SO picky about what I like! 

Hope you make time in your family routine to pray for others! After all, we see the Apostle Paul reiterates 10 times in 6 verses (Colossians 1:9-15) how often he prayed for his fellow saints. Let's love our brothers and sisters in Christ through prayer!


1 comment:

  1. Very nice !!! I love Giana's meal time prayer..that is so sweet !

    You are such a good mommy ! I hope you'll share more on how you teach her the importance of prayer for others, definitely something I need some guidance with for my girls ! :)
