How many times do we pray that the things we want and the things we need become one and the same?
Today was the day. The day where what should be and what are collided into the now.
In 2007, just shortly after Arthur surrendered his life to Christ, he heard the clarion call of his life- to enter ministry. Not just any ministry, but Military Chaplaincy in particular. The calling seemed absurd. I remember clearly when he told me over the phone, since he was in Iraq defending the red, white and blue at the time... I chuckled. I shrugged it off. And just like Moses, the reaction was "Who, me? I can't do that, Lord." But after trials, growth and conviction of the Lord, by mid-2008 it was more and more clear that we could get on the path God had set before us or run the other way, kicking and screaming in unhappiness forever.
We chose the first. It took me awhile to get on-board: to really trust that God could make Arthur into a man suited for ministry. I needed to learn to trust that God could use me and shape me and mold me into a godly woman to support such a man. I worried about what it'd be like to be a ministry wife, or essentially a Pastor's wife. What would I have to give up? Arthur worried about the credentials he'd need to become a Chaplain- a Masters Degree in Divinity, 2 years of full-time Pastoral experience, letters of recommendation, licensure... He only had a high school diploma. The lists were long; the odds were stacked. Who we were didn't seem fit for "ministry." But one day at a time, we put our trust in the Lord to work it out. We said YES. Not even knowing fully what that yes would mean...
I could write a novel about the trials, challenges, leaps of faith and other things that have happened in the nearly 6 years since that Still, Small Voice spoke clearly to my husband in his desert sun in the middle of Iraq... But suffice it to say, it's been a roller coaster We've made difficult decisions, such as my husband leaving a 10+ year very successful, well-paying career in the Army so he could get the education necessary to become a Chaplain. Arthur's had to face insecurities and lies from the enemy that have ended in triumph and victory in the Lord. His high school Guidance Counselor, who once told him he'd amount to nothing, is the fool now. My husband has nearly a 4.0 in graduate school, has an innovative mind and the hurts of his heart have made him a very compassionate man. God has been beyond good in his life, showing Him favor.
And of course my heart and life have been transformed on this journey... I am no longer afraid of having to be a "perfect ministry wife." I no longer look at this call with selfishness. God has allowed me to learn the art of transparency while ministering which has taught me humility. It's made me more real to other women, and has forged deep friendships and love between them and I. I know that the only thing I have to BE to be a "Pastor's Wife" is fully, completely in love with my Savior. Out of that relationship, I can be anything He calls me to.
So today... Today's the day that our prayers have been heard. Answered. The day I can officially say- I AM the Pastor's wife. Arthur was hired on as an Associate Pastor at our church. It may not sound like a real big deal. But it is. It's a requirement for the Call. It's God's favor because of our obedience. It's amazing. Neither of us can really believe it's real. But we just want to PRAISE GOD for being everything He said He is! We are so blessed to be able to serve the Body of Christ at our local body. We get to "make a living" loving like Jesus. How awesome is that?